Claim a free one hour session
Choose between counselling or life coaching
You can choose between counselling or coaching from:
– Time2Reflect Counselling Practice
– Time2Empower Coaching
Please specify your preference for which type of session you’d like, when making an application.
If you’d like to take advantage of this offer, there’s absolutely no obligation whatsoever to work with me afterwards and you can use your free session however you want.
You have full control over how you choose to use your session.
We can either focus on one specific problem that you’ve got in order for you to really process the problem and what’s been getting in your way and whether there is any solution. Or else we can take a birds eye view and look at every single area of your life.
The quality of your relationships, your mental health, your physical health and also your business and your career.
We can measure in each section exactly where you are right now and look at where it is that you’d like to be and what you can put in place now in order to start getting there.
Depending on what it is you are actually coming to me with, the likelihood is at the end of the session I’ll be able to offer you something of value to take away, such as a new tool you can use.
We can all have thinking patterns and unwanted behaviours that create havoc in our lives. I help people to bridge the gap between where they are stuck right now, and the life they truly desire.
You can email me at or use the form below to request your session.
Don’t forget to mention your availability, the type of session you’d like, and to check your spam folder in case my reply doesn’t reach your Inbox.
I hope to speak to you soon, whether that’s over the telephone, or Skype or whatever your preference is.
Stephanie Allen
Terms & conditions apply:
Free Complementary Gift Sessions are subject to availability, on a first come first served basis. If I do not have a session available within 2 weeks to offer you, I’ll be more than happy to place you on my waiting list. Please could you also kindly let me know the name of the person who has give you your complementary session.
Schedule Your Free Session
Helping people who are struggling with self-loathing is one of my counselling specialities.